CWE's Statement on Black Lives Matter

The Consortium for Worker Education (CWE) supports and champions Black Lives Matter because we acknowledge centuries of unequal words, opportunity, and economic justice for Black citizens and workers. Racism permeates our society, and we stand with our labor union and community organization partners in the call to transform policing and in continuing to break down the systemic barriers to racial and economic equality. This ongoing crisis is compounded by the failures of our political institutions and government which have a responsibility to ensure the basic safety and security of Black people in particular. Black people are over-policed, over represented in jails and prisons, and disproportionately subjected to police brutality. Valuing Black life doesn’t just mean spending less on policing and incarcerations; it means and requires that we invest more - and equitably - in Black communities.

There is no separation between the issues our workers face at work and the racism that permeates our society. Our workforce development efforts and partners will continue to be part of the fight to dismantle racism, for our member organizations and for all workers. Since our inception, our programs such as JtBO work with community groups to recruit, train, and place unemployed and underemployed New Yorkers in good-paying careers. We view economic justice and continued worker training opportunities for Black workers as part of the call to support Black Lives Matters and protect our communities. CWE stands in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter.

Amanda Farias

Assistant Director, CWE

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